Chief of Police Office
(956) 943-0000 Email Chief Martinez
Safety & Security Information
Point Isabel ISD is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff and visitors. A comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is in place and reviewed annually. Campuses practice various emergency drills such as fire drills, severe weather drills and intruder drills throughout the school year to prepare students and staff for an emergency. All campus employees and administration have received Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) training led by the Point Isabel Police Department.
In the event of a serious incident or threat, our first priority is to ensure our students and staff are safe; followed by informing/communicating with parents or media. However, we will share information we have available as we are able through Skyward email, parent calls or text messages, district social media and the website.
Point Isabel ISD has a wonderful working relationship with the Point Isabel Police Department and employs school Officers at all campuses.
Although many security procedures are confidential to ensure the safety of our students and staff, we can share a few proactive measures that are in place.
Electronic door monitoring for all campus exterior doors
Interior locks on all classroom doors
Additional/upgraded security cameras
Perimeter fencing at elementary schools
CRASE training for all staff
Weekly door audits
One of the most important safety measures we as a District and community can take is being vigilant and reporting any suspicious behaviors or issues of potential concern. We encourage the reporting of suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities.
Standard Response Protocol
Point Isabel ISD constantly seeks to provide a circle of protection that generates safety and security in all schools and facilities. Controlled access to buildings, our volunteer registration program, crisis communication, employees and first responders are all essential to that cause.
Our district uses the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), created by the Colorado-based I Love U Guys Foundation, to simplify the district’s emergency response procedures. We believe this protocol helps foster a safe learning and working environment for all students and staff.
SRP actions
The SRP refers to five specific actions in the event of an emergency or crisis. Hold, secure, lockdown, evacuate or shelter are the actions students and employees are trained to perform during an emergency. A brief synopsis of each action is below.
Hold occurs when the hallways need to be kept clear, even during class changes. Students will remain in their classrooms and do business as usual. Teachers will recover students and staff from hallways, close and lock the classroom door and account for students and other adults. Everyone will remain in the room until the "all clear" is announced.
Secure occurs when a threat or hazard is outside of the school building. Students will remain or return inside the building. Staff will help recover and account for students and colleagues outside the building. Adults will then lock outside doors, increase their situational awareness and do business as usual.
Lockdown occurs when a threat or hazard is inside the building. Students will stay quiet and out-of-sight. Adults will recover students from the hallway if possible. Staff will lock the classroom door, turn off lights, maintain silence and obscured visibility, and prepare to evade or defend. Only first responders may open closed doors.
Evacuate occurs when students and staff must move to another location. Students will leave all but cell phones behind if required, follow instructions and be prepared for changes. Staff will lead students to the evacuation location. Adults will account for students and staff and notify if anyone is missing, extra or injured.
Shelter occurs when the need for personal protection is necessary, such as during a tornado or biohazard situation. Students and staff will employ appropriate safety strategies. Adults will account for students and staff and notify if anyone is missing, extra or injured.

Chief Hector Martinez
Tarpon Tip Line
The Tarpon Tip Line allows students, staff, and/or parents to report concerns about bullying, other social issues, or security matters. Tips can be made anonymously or with a name. However, please note that administrators are able to do a more thorough job investigating tips when they can contact the reporting party for additional information. Thank you for helping us to keep students, staff, and Tarpon Nation safe.
There are two ways to submit a tip. Either submit the information using the online form below or text your tip to (956) 204-9299.
Poison Control Center (800) 222-1222
Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255
Emergency Notifications
During emergencies, Point Isabel ISD has multiple avenues of communications to disseminate information to parents, students and staff.
Skyward Notifications- Email notification system
Edlio Connect - Automated system for text messages, email alerts and phone calls.
District Website- Any districtwide emergency alerts will be posted to the Announcements section of the homepage.