
School Health Advisory Council

What is a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)?

Texas Education Code 28.004 requires every district to form a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) to consult on health education instruction. The Point Isabel ISD SHAC has developed a wellness policy for the district.  A SHAC is a group of individuals representing the Point Isabel ISD community who provide advice to the district and school board on coordinated school health programming and its impact on student health and learning.


Mission Statement

The Point Isabel Independent School District shall follow nutrition guidelines that advance student health and reduce childhood obesity and shall promote the general health and wellness of all students by providing quality nutrition education, appropriate physical activity, and other school-based activities.



To develop nutritional guidelines and wellness goals in consultation with the local school health advisory council and with involvement from students, parents, the public, school food service administrators, and other administrators.

If you are interested in becoming a SHAC member, to help promote your child's and the community wellness, please come join the SHAC. We are in need of parent and community involvement.  Please fill out this interest form.

If you have questions about the SHAC, please contact Juliette Gonzalez-Barajas, Communications Specialist at (956)943-0091 or via email at



Co-Chairs: Carlos Chairez & Bella Hernandez

Secretary: Janey Wills

Member: Alexia Perez

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SHAC help Point Isabel ISD students?

The SHAC is instrumental in improving student health and creating healthy schools by:

  • Helping all Point Isabel ISD campuses meet community involvement mandates and community expectations.

  • Providing a way for community members to work together with school personnel to accomplish district goals.

  • Utilizing community resources and assets.

  • Influencing people within a community to be a credible, collective voice for healthy children and youth.

What are the responsibilities of the SHAC?

The SHAC must address the responsibilities outlined in Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 of the Texas Education Code. However, the Point Isabel ISD SHAC strives to address all eight components of a coordinated school health program as listed here:

  1. health instruction,

  2. healthy school environment,

  3. health services,

  4. physical education,

  5. school counseling,

  6. food service,

  7. school site health promotion for faculty and staff; and

  8. involvement with parents and the community.


Co-Chairs: Carlos Chairez & Bella Hernandez

Secretary: Janey Wills

Member: Alexia Perez