Email Fernando Villarreal
Maintenance & Transportation Director
Phone: (956) 943-0026
Fax: (956) 943-0094
Welcome to the Maintenance and Transportation Department!

PIISD Bus Routes

Bus Rules:
Transportation is a privilege provided by the Point Isabel ISD Board of Trustees and failure to follow these rules will be grounds for excluding a student from riding the bus.
1. Observe the same rules as written in the Student Code of Conduct.
2. Students will enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner.
3. Be courteous. No profanity is allowed on the bus.
4. Loud or unusual noises will not be allowed on the bus.
5. Do not eat or drink on the bus. A sudden stop could cause the student to choke on what he/she has in his/her mouth.
6. Keep your hands, feet, head, and other objects inside the bus.
7. Do not write or be destructive of school bus property. Destruction of school bus property will result in charging the students for repair costs.
8. Remain in your seat at all times. Do not move or stand while the bus is in motion.
9. Keep the school bus clean. Throw all trash in the trash can located in the front of the bus.
10. Do not throw objects inside or outside the bus.
11. Opening the emergency doors or exits will result in the suspension of bus riding privileges.
12. Fighting in the bus will result in the suspension of bus riding privileges.
13. The bus driver is authorized to assign seats at any time.
14. For students in grades Pre-K to 2nd grade, an authorized parent/responsible adult must be present to receive the student at the door.
Asbestos Management Plan
Point Isabel ISD is committed to providing a safe environment for all students, employees, and visitors. An accredited management planner has developed an asbestos management plan for each school. A copy of the district's management plan is kept in the Principal's office and is available for review during normal business hours. An asbestos management plan is also available at the District's Administration building and the Maintenance Department building.
For additional information please contact the Asbestos Designated Person at (956) 943-0025

Fernando Villarreal
Notice to Parents:
Date: August 2024
As part of our commitment to provide your child with a safe, pest-free learning experience, Point Isabel ISD may periodically apply pesticides to help manage insects, weeds, or pathogens. Pesticide applications are part of our integrated pest management (IPM) program, which relies largely on non-chemical forms of pest control. Only trained and licensed technicians to make pesticide applications on Point Isabel ISD property. Should you have questions about this district’s pest management program or wish to be notified in advance of pesticide applications, you may contact our IPM coordinator.

Rey Barrera
Email Rey Barrera
Office and Transportation Supervisor
Phone: (956) 943-0028
Fax: (956) 943-0094
Hours of Operation:
Transportation Department
6:00 am - 6:30 pm
(Except on School Holidays, Early Release Days, Summer)
Maintenance Department
7:30 am - 5:00pm
(Except on School Holidays)
Shipping and Receiving Department
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Except on School Holidays)