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Thinking about buying a gun? Keep guns out of the wrong hands by making safe storage part of your purchase! There are safe storage options to fit every budget. Find out more at

About one-third of homes with children have at least one firearm — and many of those guns are both unlocked and loaded. It is important to keep your child away from firearms. But parents are often uncomfortable having a conversation about gun safety with others. Remember, you’re just trying to keep your child safe. The best way to do that is to find out whether there is a firearm and how it is being stored in any home where your child goes to play.
Don’t be confrontational. Be respectful.
Make sure you’re completely comfortable with the person’s answers before you let your child stay with them.
There is no harm in asking. There is potentially more harm in not asking.
Most parents, including gun owners, won’t mind your questions at all.
Talk to Your Kids
Children are curious and will have questions about guns. Whether there is a firearm in your home or not, it is important to talk to your child about the rules of gun safety. There may be a situation where they see a gun and you are not around. They should know how to act. Choose a time and place where they won’t be distracted to have the conversation. Consider their age when you are talking to your child about gun safety. Ask them what they already know, and encourage them to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to talk to them again to make sure they remember.
Some Ways You Can Approach the Subject
“My child is very curious and gets into everything. I’m worried about what would happen if he came across a gun...”
“All of us in the PTA (or in our church group, etc.) have committed to making sure our children are safe. So, I’ve gotten in the habit of asking everyone...”
“(Name of your child) has never been to your house before; can you tell us more about what it will be like?”
“We don’t let our kids watch too much television or drink too much soda. (List other concerns.) Here are more serious concerns I have…”
Talk to Your Community
As important as it is to keep firearms away from the wrong hands, it’s also important to talk to your fellow Texans about safe gun storage. You can talk to others and share our resources about gun safety at group or community events, PTA meetings, religious organizations, HOA meetings, or other gatherings. The more people know about how to safely store firearms, the more we can KEEP ‘EM SAFE, TEXAS!

Chief Hector Martinez