Parent/Guardian Resources
Our school district wishes to provide parents with the most information possible to make the education process as easy and efficient as possible.
Located on the left side menu are numerous links parents may access that provide basic district information, policies, calendars, and guidelines that are important to be aware of. If you have any questions or are in need of additional information, please feel free to contact your child's campus or the Point Isabel ISD office at (956)943-0000.

Region 16 Newsletter
There is a NEW Feature: Smore!
Smore is an interactive online publishing platform that allows persons with visual impairments to select an “Accessibility” mode to more easily read the newsletter. Also, Non-English readers can select “Translate Newsletter” and then “Select Language” which will allow them to read the newsletter in their home language.

Información para Padres
En el menú del lado izquierdo hay varias enlaces a los que los padres pueden acceder que tienen información basica del distrito, reglas, calendarios y pautas que son importante tener en cuenta. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información, por favor llame a la escuela de su estudiante o para la oficina central de Point Isabel ISD al (956)943-0000.
Visite el video, "Supporting English Learners in Texas" para explicar el process para brindar servicios a los estudinates aprendices del idioma inglés.